The auto-delete option WhatsApp has Ws Numbers List recently introduced a new privacy feature: the automatic deletion of chats. You can Ws Numbers List now set messages to be automatically deleted after 24 hours, 7 days or 90 days. I don't Ws Numbers List think I would ever use this function myself, but who knows, you might find it useful! Screenshot of the auto-delete function on WhatsApp Brno: SocialMediaToday.
You can app with yourself And last but Ws Numbers List not least : you can app with yourself! I received this tip via LinkedIn, from Miro Peters. He is Ws Numbers List also very enthusiastic about this tip, as he writes in his blog . You start a group conversation Ws Numbers List or pick up an outdated group conversation in which there is no longer talking. Then you remove all participants, except yourself.
And voilà: you have a conversation with Ws Numbers List yourself. You can then change the name of the group to, for example, 'Notes' or 'Reminders'. And of course you can adjust the group image to something that fits. Very useful for storing fantasies and Ws Numbers List ideas. 4 x in the pipeline In addition to these already existing possibilities, WhatsApp is of Ws Numbers List course always developing the app.