Unless you've been in a coma for the past decade, I know you've probably heard of the "green" craze. If you've been in a coma, you know that green is no longer just for hippies! disposable coffee cups The rest of us finally realized that those hippies were doing something, and we started moving toward a greener lifestyle. However, you may still be wondering why and how you should green your behavior. Why The planet's resources are finite. double wall coffee cups Make sustainable, environmentally friendly choices and help the planet by using less! Remember, every choice you make will have a negative or positive impact on the planet! Greening it is good for your health. It is always better to choose organic products because there are no pesticides, which can harm health, especially if the product is not washed properly. paper tea cups Many towns hold weekly or even biweekly farmers' markets, which are great places to buy local, organic produce. Locally grown produce is great because it's fresh. The shorter the distance the food reaches your plate, the better, because shorter distances mean less contamination. How to achieve green life Walk or bike instead of driving. It's easy! paper tea cups It's not always possible, but try! Pedaling is cheaper than driving a car, and the only pollution it might cause is a little sweat. Say no to paper and plastic. While paper is better than plastic because it is biodegradable, it is also heavier than plastic and therefore puts more stress on the trucks carrying it, leading to more pollution. Try to buy reusable bags instead of paper or plastic bags, which are very strong and can hold more weight than single-use bags. But if paper bags really suit you, make sure you reuse them a few times before throwing them away. Unplug anything that glows. If you don't watch TV or use lights, unplug! Plug-ins like these are notorious energy suckers, even when they're not being used. Who wants to pay for electricity they don't even use? Do a full load of laundry. candy paper cups This may seem silly, but think about it. Washing machines use three of our most precious resources: water, energy and, most importantly, money. So a small load means a waste of water, energy and money. Also, wash your clothes in cold water instead of lukewarm. Ninety percent of the energy consumed by the washing machine is used to heat the water! Look! Greening your lifestyle is easier than you think! Now is the time to go out and make the world greener!
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I admire what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the comments that this is working for you as well. 첫가입 꽁머니
Few publications have provoked and determined the course of shipping container homes as much as Vers une shipping container homes (Vers une shipping container homes) by the Swiss Charles-Edouard Generet, known as Le Corbusier. In 1923 Le Corbusier gathered his theoretical principles and numerous assumptions, originally published in the journal Esprit Nouveau, into a manifesto that defined the entire current of modernism. For Le Corbusier, the engineer's search for the "new spirit" rejects the academic environment, he relies on examples from the ancient world such as the Parthenon,36 which are almost defiantly reinterpreted within the modern industrial tradition. The engineer must provide a solution to the problems of a society in which machines prevail. And this solution is the "house - a machine to live in".37 As he characteristically mentions about it: "If... we examine the issue from a critical and objective point of view, we will arrive at the housing-tool, the standardized housing, which will be accessible to everyone, healthy... (also morally) and beautiful, with the aesthetics of the tools that accompany our existence."38 Le Corbusier, in contrast to Loos, restores shipping container homes as an art form, assigning to the shipping container homes the task of rise above utilitarian purposes and work creatively. 39
Walter Gropius in 1919
During the same period in the Soviet Union, the Russian Futurist movement embodies Dadaism's all-out opposition to established art, but develops in an opposite direction: that of Constructivism.40 The Constructivists appeared in 1919, initially at the service of the Leninist Soviet government and aimed at to make the visual arts practically useful for society as a whole and compatible with modernity, as they perceived the latter.41 They emphasized abstract constructions, simple lines and simple geometric shapes and volumes. They particularly influenced the shipping container homes of public buildings and state-owned Soviet factories, as they incorporated in their work an industrial aesthetic and a cult of technology and industrial materials, such as steel and glass. Thus was expressed the compromise of modernism with the understandings of the Enlightenment. The materialistic, practical and utilitarian orientation of constructivist works gave rise to questioning whether they were authentic forms of artistic expression.42 However, their influence crossed the borders of the Soviet Union and during the 1920s constructivist artists appeared in interwar Germany.43
At the same time, from 1917 he had already started, centered in the Netherlands, his course in the visual arts de style or neoplasticism, another modernist artistic movement which emphasized abstraction, austerity, simple geometric shapes and design reduction to straight lines , in non-intersecting planes and in basic colors without impurities.44 The Neoplasticists were influenced by Cubism, but also by the Platonic concept of perfect geometric forms as self-existent and immaterial ideas.
The composition of the Bauhaus, a visual arts movement clearly influenced by both Soviet Constructivism and Neoplasticism, soon emerged in Germany. One of the most important modernist shipping container homess of the 20th century, Walter Gropius, who from 1919 was at the helm of the School in Weimar, for a feverish and ideologically charged period, was associated with this.45 In the Bauhaus Manifesto, Gropius, addressing potential students of the institution, maturely formulated a program that connected the artist with the craftsman in a new type of creative productive work process.46 Through this the position was formulated that the raw materials had an inherent decorative value and that the goal was the unification of good and applied arts, through a synthesis of artistic expression and practical functionality which would reject "unnecessary" aesthetic embellishments and lead to a new, purely modern unity of art and technology.47 Thus was created the basis of an artistic tradition oriented towards industrial design, but in a school with an inauspicious future. In 1924, four years before he left the Bauhaus, Gropius published the school's first book, Internationale Architektur (Internationale Architektur). The book attempted to attract public interest in contemporary shipping container homes, but was more a photographic and design inventory of representative examples of a school's work in progress and less an shipping container homes manifesto.
Mainly influenced by the disillusionment that followed World War II, postmodern ideas soon moved from philosophy and literature to shipping container homes. There, more than in the other arts or mass media, they were inextricably linked to the critique of the International Style and mature modernism. The latter was accused of destroying the traditional urban fabric and the older culture of the neighborhood through his morphological analysis and criticism.48 In 1966, two books - manifestos were published simultaneously that had a great impact expressing these views.
3- Prefab Modular 2x40' HC + 2x20' HC 2 Bedroom
3- Meadow on Deventer City Beach Shipping Container
3- Seoul Youth Zone Shipping Container Building
3- 3 Story Shipping Container House with Inner Courtyard
3- Two-Story Shipping Container House Built from
3- Shipping Container 4 Story House - Office, Cafe
3- Shipping Container Home with Artificial Green Roof
3- Shipping Container Homes by Steele House
3- Beautiful Two-Story 4x40ft and 1x20ft Shipping Container Home
3- Simple but Sophisticated and Aesthetic
3- Modular 4 x 40' Shipping Container Office, Brazil
3- 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Orleans
3- Beautiful Two Story Shipping Container Home, Peru
3- 20 ft Small and Cozy Shipping Container House, NSW
3- Shipping Container Cabins and Homes by Tomecek
3- 2x40 ft and 2x20 ft Shipping Container Home by Pro
3- White Minimalist Shipping Container Home
3- EBA51 - Shipping Container Student Village
3- Sheltainer - Modular Shipping Container Housing
3- Shipping Container Low-Cost Single-Family Home, Peru
3- Shipping Container Homes, Buildings and Structures
3- Beautiful 3000 sqft 5 Bedroom Shipping Containers
3- Casa Conteiner RD - 3 Bedroom Shipping Container
3- LightHotel - 120 sq ft Shipping Container Tiny Home
3- Puruna Observatory - Shipping Container Education
3- 4x45 ft Shipping Container Home with Metal Siding
3- 3 Bedroom Tropical Shipping Container Home, Indonesia
3- La Casa Container - 2 Bedroom Shipping Container Home
3- Box Hop Shipping Container Homes, Ohio, USA
3- 50 sqm 1 Bedroom Prefab Shipping Container Houses
3- Simple Shipping Container Home Built with 2x40 ft
3- Single Story Shipping Container Home
3- 2007 Design Excellence / Innovation AIA - Award
3- 3000 sq ft Shipping Container House, Phoenix, Arizona
3- 1300 sqft 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Minnesota
3- Beach Box Shipping Container Home, Sunshine Coast
3- 2,500 sqft Shipping Container House, Houston, Texas
3- 1000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Seattle, Washington
3- Autodesk Shipping Container Conference Room
3- Shipping Container Apartments for Rent, Phoenix
3- Shipping Container Backyard Office, BC, Canada
3- Shipping Containers Inside Split Level Home, Seattle
3- Shipping Container Home Addition, Austin, Texas
3- 3 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, Bruce Township
3- 4000 sqft 4 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, New Jersey
3- Self-Sufficient and Movable Shipping Container Hotel
3- Shipping Container Homes California - Architects
3- Weekend Shipping Container Home, Idaho
3- 1 Bedroom Shipping Container Home, El Prado
3- Two-story 2000 sqft Shipping Container Home, Arizona
3- Cocoa Research Station for Chocolate Manufacturing
3- Escape Den - Shipping Container Home with Decks
3- Educan Dog Training Centre
3- Lots.Sathon - Cozy Shipping Container Coffee Shop
3- Municipal Public Library Made of Used Shipping Containers
3- Weekend Retreat Three 20ft Shipping Container Home
3- Hurricane-Proof Shipping Container House
3- Common Ground - World’s Largest Modular
3- Platoon Kunsthalle and Pop Kudamm - Mixed Use
3- H-Container Home: 40 ft Shipping Container
3- The Cargo District - Shipping Container Community
3- 1600 sqft Modular Shipping Container Home on Pillars
3- Portable Cabin - Two Containers Year-Round Living
3- Barndominium Style 900 sqft Shipping Container Home
3- Cozy 40 ft Shipping Container Home
3- 20 ft Shipping Container Home with Space-Saving
3- Lovely Little 3x20 ft Shipping Container Home
3- Shipping Container Restaurant with Inner Courtyard
3- Casa P406 - 1200 sq ft Shipping Container Summer Home
3- Black Box - 4 x 20 ft Shipping Container Home, BC
3- Flowers in the Garden by Eu Jin Lim
3- DIY Small Off-Grid 20 ft Shipping Container Home
3- Under $100k Mortgage-Free Home?
3- Bureau Agreste by Hugues Hernandez, Morgan
3- Three 20 ft Containers Micro-Luxe Container Living
3- $950,000 2500 sq ft Shipping Container Home
3- Guide to Building the Mythical Inexpensive
3- Ahurewa Eco Retreat - 700 sq ft Off-Grid Shipping
3- Modular Shipping Container Home on Steep Slope
3- 650 sqft Shipping Container Home - Three Small
3- Extremely Comfortable Shipping Container Home
3- DIY Modular Shipping Container Home Addition, Richmond
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